1000 |
Se voc amante por minecraft com jogos estilo Sobrevivncia, RankUP, Faces e mine games. Ento temos o lugar certo para voc!
Nosso servidor voltado a uma comunidade de mine games com HUNGERGAMES, BATATA QUENTE, BEDWARS, SKYWARS, BATALHA DE CONSTRUTORES e
port 25565
0 Online Players
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1001 |
Excellent server 6 season 17 episode with the addition of higher seasons Admired maps, bosses and events Our team has done everything for you to enjoy playing on our server
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1002 |
Play on a server with no admin abuse and no glitching allowed! Admins are fair game - treat us like you would any other player.
We have Mumble & will make a channel for your group/clan if you so desire.
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1003 |
Ogame free x40
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1004 |
Welcome to Vindicators MC!
We are a new survival economy based server with many plugins to enhance your gameplay on the server, these include:
Dragon Loot Boxes - Receive a loot box when the ender dragon is killed! (5 day CD from death)
Dynamic Shop
port 25565
0 Online Players
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1005 |
We offer only High Speed games so getting bored of all that waiting we have the game for u ! Biggest Battles Insane Resources and High Building and Tech Levels. So You Like Speed Join us Today !!
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1006 |
99B Season 1, DDoS Protection, Antihack SystemExp 5000xSince 2010200 online247WINGS 1,2 and ALL JEWELS IN SHOPSMAX LVL 400NO-LAGSUPER MAXIMAL SERVER COME AND PLAY
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1007 |
MinePvP best server eu
-BEDWARS (under processing)
-PRATICE (under processing)
port 25565
0 Online Players
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1008 |
300x pvp
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1009 |
ein kostenloses Weltraum-Simulationsspiel in Echtzeit.
Hier kannst Du Dich im direkten Vergleich mit Deinen Konkurrenten messen.
Bauen, Forschen, Kämpfen, Verteidigen! Ob alleine oder in der Gemeinschaft einer Förderation.
Ihr alleine Entscheidet!
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1010 |
WoW Classic news, guides, talent calulators, and more!
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1011 |
We're a new and coming server for making friends and having fun. We'll be making constant updates and appreciate the feedback everyone provides. Have fun!
port 25565
0 Online Players
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1012 |
AionParty can be called the latest version of the classic aion server. New classes such as Bard, gunner and engineer are disabled.
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1013 |
Goldenor is a space strategy game with hundreds of players simultaneously trying to be the best. All you need to play is a standard web browser.
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1014 |
Perfect World Dawn of Spring patch v146, 500x EXP, 200x DROP, 500x SP, 200x GOLD, Daily events, NO lag, NO bug, Friendly staff, Custom NPCs, Custom sets,FREE.
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1015 |
we have just set up a vanilla rust legacy server and looking for active people to populate the server to birng it up the list for more people to join. the only addons are the regular anti-cheats, sleepover and Remove. i am one of 2 current admins.
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1016 |
A new Era will rise. Join the future of ogame private Servers now!
Antaris is a private Ogame-Server with a bunch of helpful features and a well balanced Gameplay.
We currently do support 4 langu ages [English, Italian,German and spanish].
Join us t
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1017 |
The server is a Towny/Nations server with a 1:1000 scale map of the Earth. Form nations, towns, and participate in geopolitics, and enjoy the great community. Join today!
port 25565
1 Online Players
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1018 |
El mejor server de ogame que jamas exisitio!
rates 5 veces mas que el Server oficial!
con solo una regla!....
Conquistar el UNIVERSO!
Podes obtenet 1 millón de Materia Oscura solo invitando amigos!
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1019 |
[10xDay | 20xNight/ TP / KITS / INSTA]
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1020 |
In this server you can do whatever you want. You can break peoples houses and bases. And I dont know what should i say more just join and see for yourself.
port 25565
0 Online Players
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