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We are a somewhat new server amongst the sea of "Modded" servers.
Everyone enjoys Vanilla gameplay, but some aspects of the base game can get rather grindy. So, on our server, we have introduced some Quality of Life plugins (QoL).
We have tasteful QoL p
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Thank you for your interest in our server!
Our goal is to provide you with a stable and secure Rust Experimental server that is lightly modded to help players get established.
F1 > client.connect
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This server is a fun server for me and my mate. We can handle about 50 people no sweat. We are always listening to the community and getting the plugins they want. Killed that bot? Get that supply drop!
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Welcome to Mortality 3x
Our 5x server provides the best Rust gameplay. We run multiple balanced plugins to improve the quality of the game without taking away the vanilla aspect of the game. Our server also run on the best Network & Hardware possible to
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Play on a server with no admin abuse and no glitching allowed! Admins are fair game! AntiCheat, Active Admin. F1 > client.connect
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Rust Epicenter/5x/RaidBases/Events /Mounthly/11.01
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Pure CUSTOM MAP for those who want a different style of Rust plays. To connect in-game, on the left-hand side in the game, click modded and search Rusty HideOut at bottom of the server list.
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On our server you will find the following features;
- a small map for action.
- Autoupdates/restarts every 6 hours, in order to obtain the latest ...READ MORE
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very good server, pvp & airdrops & actif staff
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Rusticated::3x gather::3x smelt:: Teleport::Trade::i-Craft::Gray Admins
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Hey everyone, thats a new Vanilla Server 12.10, hosted in EU.
We start this server because of Admin abuse at other Server.
Play Fair, no killing newbies ~ starters
If u follow this rules u will have a nice experience
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Uprising is a Modded PVP RuST Server, fun times, no admin abuse, new player (noobs) friendly!
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Come Join fairly new Server
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Serwer Polski Vanilla. Bez modów!
Mapa na stronie www
Polska geolokalizacja
wipe tylko przy wymuszonej comiesiecznej aktualizacji Rusta
aktywna administracja
Posiadamy forum oraz serwer TeamSpeak3.
Dolacz do nas.
IP: Vanilla.PlayRust.pl:28016
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Voxide Rust! This server is a crossover between Oxide and Vanilla settings... | Vanilla settings: Gather Rate, Smelt Rate, Crafting Rate, | Oxide Settings: High Stacks,Cupboard Radius FIX!, Clans, Kits, PM, Sign Artist, Rust.io Map, AutoDoors. And more...
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Vanilla Vgaming Rust Server, Play and have Fun !
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Welcome to ETCLAN.FR,
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Zapraszamy na nowy serwer RUSTWORLD.pl
TS3: ts.rustworld.pl
adres serwera: rustworld.pl:28015
* Gather x5
* XP Boost (X2)
* Levels
* TP (no limit)
* Kits (tools, food, medic, build)
* Remove
* InstaCraft
* Voteday
* M
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IP Serwera: lub gs5.hostandplay.pl
Ilo?? slotów: 20
Serwer online: 24/7
Kontakt z w?a?cicielem przez steam: MichaelKosa
Witryna serwera: www.5575.hapgs.net
Steam Grupa: STEAM
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IP Serwera: lub gs5.hostandplay.pl
Ilo?? slotów: 20
Serwer online: 24/7
Kontakt z w?a?cicielem przez steam: MichaelKosa
Witryna serwera: www.5575.hapgs.net
Steam Grupa: STEAM
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Play on a server with no admin abuse and no glitching allowed! Admins are fair game - treat us like you would any other player.
We have Mumble & will make a channel for your group/clan if you so desire.
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we have just set up a vanilla rust legacy server and looking for active people to populate the server to birng it up the list for more people to join. the only addons are the regular anti-cheats, sleepover and Remove. i am one of 2 current admins.
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[10xDay | 20xNight/ TP / KITS / INSTA]
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