Gametoor Toplist

New Game, good rates, active Staff, active Community, friendly User Design, enjoy it! Germany, English, Turkish!
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Awesome 12x Blizzlike Server with a fully active Staff and Forum, Feel free to check us out :).
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Xogame Universe is a web browser-based multiplayer game. Your mission is to develop and manage a space empire. We offer a fun multiplayer experience, multiple languages, probabilistic battle system, fast rates and much more. The gameplay is similar to Ogame.
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GoodOldCraft is a new upcoming SMP economy server. Here you will be greeted with nice community and a staff team like no other. Most importantly the server performs well for a smooth experience. We offer a long list of ranks so theres always something you  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Gangsterhood is an online mafia game during the golden age of the mafia in the early 1930’s. Only the most evil human beings will survive in this tough world where your enemies can strike at any moment. Choose your hood, start a clan, hire gangsters and build your own imperium.Earn respect and money
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erver status : x15 -Kill , x12 - Quest, drop -gold x5 , x3 drop - rare , legendary drop - x2 , x3 - explorer. Server is FREE donated not, just Vote !
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New WoW Privatserver 3.3.5a | Highrate realm| Progress realm | Scripted content| Starter pack and more spezial features
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Servidor FactionsOp Contamos con: Cajas - Bosses - RanksUp - KoTH - Parcelas y mucho ms!. Tenemos encantamientos personalizados, objetos con encantamientos ms de 1000. Staff activo y amigable, que esperas entra ya!!..  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Jeu Spatial avec pleins de nouveautés.Vitesse x10, débris 30% Def et 70 % Flo.Ouvert depuis le 1er Novembre 2016.MOD Forteresse, Loterie etc...Nombreux Bonus.MAJ régulière.Jeu entièrement gratuit.
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WoTLK server x5. Low rate wow servers. Scripted Instances, Working Pathfinding, Events, Active Battlegrounds, Outdoor PVP, Dungeons, Raids & Scenarios.
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Anarchy es un server anarquico hosteado en Europa relativamente nuevo el mundo se creo en 01/05/21, no pierdas tiempo y unete.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Uprising is a Modded PVP RuST Server, fun times, no admin abuse, new player (noobs) friendly!
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712 is your best shop for all your OSRS GP and RS3 GP needs. Lowest prices and friendly customer service, reliable gold delivery and fast delivery service, get your gold now!
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SethMT2 este un server privat de metin2 de tip PvM Easy
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If you are looking for some MapleStory 2 mesos to buy, you’ve came to the right place! is pleased to be able to offer you the most appealing service you can find, with fast delivery, lowest prices and 24/7 customer support!
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This is a basic Valhelsia 3 server, open to all.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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OGame Center web tarayici uzerinden oynanabilen bir uzay simulasyon oyunudur. Hizli OGame heyecanini yasamak icin imparatorlugunu kur ve fethetmeye basla.
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717 is a well-known and reliable in-game currency shop offering services to its customers at the lowest rates in the market and ensuring speedy delivery of goods. You can’t go wrong with EL DO RA DO!
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Welcome To KangoCraft, A semi new Minecraft factions hardcore survival server. You might think its an easy game, but have you played on a server where mobs have been nearly been made into a god like creature? Want to challenge yourself, 1v1 players, slay  port 25565         0 Online Players
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O Citizen is an alternative to O Game with english and spanish support, double speed and Free Dark Matter /O CItizen es una alternativa a O Game con ayuda en inglés y español, velocidad doble y Materia Oscura Gratis.
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Since the release of WoW Classic, earning a hefty amount of Classic WoW gold has been a challenge. Thus, Eldorado.GG has come to your help! You have the remarkable opportunity to buy cheap WoW Classic gold at rock bottom prices and get away with it!
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Gerçek zamanli uzay stratejisi imparatorlugunu kur ve yonet Büyük bir rekabet seni bekliyor... Ücretsiz kayit ol, gücünü herkese göster!
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A free multiplayer text based game. Build one of 10 different medieval civilizations and conquer the known world of 1000 ad.
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10x Exp 10x Drop | Rewards for New Players | Custom Uniques + Custom Runewords | Best Server Up! | Name: MyBattle | Zone: -1 | IP:
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?????? ?????????!
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FFXIV Gil only? No, we have FFXI Gil as well! You won't find any of it cheaper elsewhere, Eldorado is the best way to go when you want some Gil!
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All GM server 4.3.4 und 3.3.5a
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Frostmane 255 Fun realm • Custom Leveling roads • Lots of Custom Quests • Custom Instances and Cool PVP content • 700 custom items • Lots of fun custom Events! • Stable, Hosted in USA, Low latency, active staff!
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++Deutschsprachiger WoW Server ++ Seit 2012 ++Fun-Server Community ++ Custom Items/Creaturen/Instanzen ++ über 8000 Items ++ Instant 255 ++ Ultimative Stats++
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Das Spiel ist ein Weltraum-Strategie-Spiel. Baue deine Gebäude und Forschungen aus um der größte Herrscher des Universums zu sein. Dieses Spiel basiert auf der OpenSource 2Moons.
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100 000x - 6x - 100 000x
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You must be whitelisted to join Join Discord server: Answer the questiond in the "application" channel. Friendly SMP has Minecraft survival gameplay with some additional plugins that would make your experience ju  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Come Join fairly new Server
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Gute Ogame Clone mit vielen features
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Your Best Factions Server! Daily Rewards, Vote Crates, and Weekly Events! Come check out why we're the #1 Faction Server in Canada! The more you play, the more you get!  port 25565         1 Online Players
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Space-Rivals is a german- english supported strategy Game with plenty of Mods, a well balanced Game and of course a friendly Community. Join the Game and raise to the Top!
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Servidor pvp de Argentina 1.16.5 Contamos con Rangos y no se que mas amigo entra y veemos que hay loco tanto le vas a hacer dejame publicar el servidor por favor te lo pido la ip es asi amigo mira como no te voy a decir dos veces. cethland.minehost  port 25565         0 Online Players
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The Grim Guzzler is professional private server dedicated to bringing you the best game-play experience! Our goal is to surpass all other servers in terms of content quality and player appreciation.
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Merhaba imparator. Hiç bir evrende bulunmayan yep yeni bir sistemle karsinizdayiz. Ogame sezon etkinligi Her bir sezon 6 ay sürecek ve sezonu kazanan ittifak 2. Sezon için açilacak evrenin ismini belirleme hakkini kazanacaktir
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The Caverian Survival server. With over 10 custom coded plugins and fun quests to complete. Mature staff and cummunity based server, with regular updates and active discord. The server is Survival focused with added functions, such as custom enc  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Serwer Polski Vanilla. Bez modów! Mapa na stronie www Polska geolokalizacja wipe tylko przy wymuszonej comiesiecznej aktualizacji Rusta aktywna administracja Posiadamy forum oraz serwer TeamSpeak3. Dolacz do nas. IP:
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Sisteme Shop Offline Title System Esarfe Scalate Sistem Profil Sistem Inventare cu chei Switchbot Sistem Sterge itemele Sistem VIP Securitate Inventar ca premiu,o-sa primiti un fms pguba-medie 59/un costum dupa cum vedeti pvm/bonusat/skin arma/un cufar p
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BEST SERVER FOR SURVIVAL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  port 25565         61 Online Players
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Wenn Sie privaten Wild ohne friert oder Lags spielen wollen, versuchen Sie unseren Servern. Fast & sicheres Deutschland Private Server für Spieler.
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Criminal Wars is an online mafia role-playing game. You will start your new life off as a civilian. you will have 2 options you can either join a family or you can create your own.
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Gregtech New Horizons 1.7 You are looking at a big progressive kitchensink pack for Minecraft 1.7.10 balanced around the mod GregTech. Over 3 years of developement (and still going) have formed a balance and refinement that only a handful of packs can  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Fully working Vindictus Emulated Private Server, high rates and mid rates, EXP 25x, EXP 250x, alchemy, dungeons, large community, professional administrators, check it out today
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Voxide Rust! This server is a crossover between Oxide and Vanilla settings... | Vanilla settings: Gather Rate, Smelt Rate, Crafting Rate, | Oxide Settings: High Stacks,Cupboard Radius FIX!, Clans, Kits, PM, Sign Artist, Map, AutoDoors. And more...
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Join our second Universe which started at the 13. July 2020. A fresh and clean start will guarantee a great Gameplay! --- Highspeed Universe! ---
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Voltiac Network Voltiac Network is a Minecraft server network that aims to bring the Java experience to Bedrock New Features: New Gamemodes! Bedwars: Classic Bedwars KitPVP Bots!!!: Newly added PVP Bots to increase your skill on  port 25565         0 Online Players
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