OGame private servers top 100 list. Free servers, guides, and websites.

The game war of alliance is a new game engine that will bring you in the deepest battle ever met on a private server. Join now our new and unique game and become the new King of all alliance of this amaizing game.
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Conquer the Space SKY-WARS This is an online space strategy in real time Game speed x 100,000,000,000,000 Dark matter x 1,000,000
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Ocrack offers you the chance to test your skills against thousands of players across the world. Come join other Ocrack addicts in this bug free universe. Many features to enhance game play. Weekly events with big bonuses for active players. Long lasting site with great support.
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Entre e tire sua duvidas, puro pvp e xp alto. 300x velocidade do jogo
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Erkunde Galaxien und erschaffe neue Welten. Treibe Handel und gründe Allianzen! Aber sei auf der Hut, denn du bist nicht allein. Auch andere durchstreifen diese Sektoren und nicht alle werden deine Freunde sein. Zeige Mut und Geschick und lasse deiner Fa
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Lockdown 2017 - Le retour des sources du jeu ! Comeback to 2002 ! [OLD SKIN + MOTEUR DE COMBAT 2004] - Ouverture prévue le 3/10/2017 - BETA Ouverte - Rates : 20/8/100
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SKYWARS.SPACE is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything what you need to the play is a Standard Browser.
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Multiverse Warriors Rebirth is a OGame style game, interconnected with Nano universes, all colliding to survive.
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GWK ouvre son univers aux conquérants! Construirez votre empire, créer votre alliance, rivaliser contre vos ennemis et devenez l'empereur de l'univers!
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Xterium is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe. [...]
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HorusEyes OGame es un juego de estrategia en el espacio. Compite con jugadores las 24h para conquistar el universo. Todo lo que necesitas es un navegador estandard.
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Xterium is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe. [...]
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Join the best Ogame Private Server out there. We are a midspeed Universe with a bunch of helpful features so we assure you a great Start! So join us today and raise to the top! We offer 5 Languages: English, german,russian,italian and spanish!
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Take on the conquest of space with your ships by peaceful or aggressive missions. Make friends and build the most powerful and influential alliance.
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Werde jetzt ein SpaceFighter und kämpfe mit in einer Welt, welche durch Krieg und Macht vollkommen zerstört ist. Werde Herrscher eines kleinen Planeten,baue ihn auf, und werde zu einer Großmacht. Bildet eine Allianz oder kämpft einzeln für den Weltraum. Werde jetzt auch ein SpaceFighter !
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Eine neue Zivilisation Du Startest mit einer unterentwickelten Welt, und errichtest auf dieser ein Imperium. Gründest Kolonien und verteidigst diese.
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Nouveau jeu intergalactique avec 2 univers!
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Jeux en évolution (bêta) Vitesse jeu : x50.000 Vitesse flotte : x20 Vitesse production : x50.000 Flotte dans le CDR : 80% Défense dans le CDR : 80% Vaisseau extracteur
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Strategická hra v reálném čase. Hrajete s mnoha reálnými hráči. Nic nemusíte stahovat, hrajete pouze ve svém webovém prohlížeči! Registrace je zdarma
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Ogame Oyna Hizli Ogame Heyecan Dolu Savaslar
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Ogame HR Join and be the best. :)
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Catch up at once with our ©QuickStart bonus and jump straight up to Top 30 . Come and dive into a full addictive experience of strategy and combats. Many new functionnalities, Bonus, events. Jeu Français - English support - Opnd 22/12/2017 +400 players
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WOG is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe. [...]
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I bring you a new server started on February 17, 2018. WAR OF GALAXYZ. When you enter you will see many changes that the other traditional servers that we already know did not have or did not update them. Press register and risk entering and be the best.
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ogame server without bugs, fast, simple without complications, intuitive, harmonized options, prizes and events. Administration committed to compliance with the rules. Come try it, we are waiting for you.
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It's an Ogame private server with medium fast rates, a lot of features and players. New universe launched recently so you've all the possibilities to conquer it.
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Ogame private server recently opened
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Opening new uni 1 based on real ogame. Come and play with us!
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A totally new style and graphics, also suitable for smartphones and tablets. We've made changes to the research system, arsenals, combat, alliances, and more ...We have expanded our community, we always register at least 400 users online, fun is guarantee
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In the best style of the old school, the classic Ogame we present OgameZone. It started a couple of days ago, come in and enjoy, if you do not dare sit there and look for something else, if you are and you want to be the best register in the best serve
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Inter-War is free browser game style Ogame . This is the best uGamela and Xnova on the web! Craving to be a stellar emperor, you are a good strategist, want to conquer new planets, galaxies, eliminate other enemies and be at the forefront of star players - sign up.
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The Xterium is a web browser based multiplayer strategy game set in space, compete against thousands of players. Gameplay is DIFFERENT from Ogame. Fast & Hardcore with 24h support! [100% NEW GAMEPLAY / PVP & PVE / WEEKLY UPDATES /]
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Re-Origins.com a classic space strategy game where you build your own empire, command your fleets, and conquer new worlds. Mobile Ready
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Space-Emperors is online and waiting for emperors to command their fleets. Build your empire, your alliance, take the enemies down and become the emperor of the space!
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Join now the best space oriented strategy game for mobile! Daily & Weekly rewards, Items, Referrer system and much more! There's also an in-game forum and a Discord community. What are you waiting for ?! [iOs users: https://genesisgamingllc.com]
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Well Established Game with Astonishing Entertainment. Gain 5 million levels, explore 1 million places, defeat creatures/beasts for gold/items, do quests, buy equipment, chat/trade with other players!
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Antaris-legacy is a revolution in the world of ogame, discover an unexplored world with population, manage your teleportation portal, create your alliance, compete against your ennemies and become the emperor of the universe.
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Catch up at once with our ©QuickStart Bonus straight up to Top 30 !! Back to basics ! Feel the real Thrill of the game.. Slow rates for better strategy. Events and Bonus. ©Second chance functions. English support. Join Us ! JEU FRANCAIS
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Eine neue Zivilisation Du Startest mit einer unterentwickelten Welt, und errichtest auf dieser ein Imperium.
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Bonjour à tous et à toutes NewGalaxy est un serveur privée en développement pour l'instant vous pouvez suivre sont évolution sur le discord officiel
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Rates: x10 OGC: xNova SCowboys 1.0 / 100% FREE DM
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Welcome to the wonderful world of space ! Join the battle !
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Servidor Privado Ogame Español. Super facil, flotas, defensas, recursos, MATERIA OSCURA x999 y gratis. Entra y diviertete....
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New Server for Epic Battles. Resources:x9999% Speed:x9999% Fleet Speed:x999% FIRST 20 PLAYERS TO JOIN will be rewarded with 50 SUPERNOVAS and 1.000.000 Dark Matter. Join the most dangerous battlefield of all times, now!
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Stellar Universe is a new 2moons based space strategy game. It's with medium-fast rates, unique and comfortable design, with many modifications and players. Your empire awaits!
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xNova online is the revival of the legendary space strategy. Starting on an empty planet, build the development of economic, scientific and military interplanetary infrastructure.
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A StarCraft themed oGame conversion [EN, RU]. Three races, each with its own research tree and fleet. A storyline. Events. Non-instant, controllable battles. Nine planets per system. 999 systems per galactic arm. Unlimited arms. Waiting for you.
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2008-2018 dönemine Ait Optime edilmi? s?f?rdan bir data base ile sizlere hizmet vermeye geldik pay to win olmayan bir oyun sunar?z
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The official opening date is Friday, February 10 ogame pvp (GMT+1) at 18:00. The classic universe continues with +70 online players for over 120 days, the new universe standard is on Saturday, June 10th at 18:00 GMT+1.
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The game war of alliance is a new game engine that will bring you in the deepest battle ever met on a private server. Join now our new and unique game and become the new King of all alliance of this amaizing game.
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