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O Citizen is an alternative to O Game with english and spanish support, double speed and Free Dark Matter /O CItizen es una alternativa a O Game con ayuda en inglés y español, velocidad doble y Materia Oscura Gratis.
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Gerçek zamanli uzay stratejisi imparatorlugunu kur ve yonet
Büyük bir rekabet seni bekliyor...
Ücretsiz kayit ol, gücünü herkese göster!
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Das Spiel ist ein Weltraum-Strategie-Spiel. Baue deine Gebäude und Forschungen aus um der größte Herrscher des Universums zu sein. Dieses Spiel basiert auf der OpenSource 2Moons.
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100 000x - 6x - 100 000x
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Gute Ogame Clone mit vielen features
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Space-Rivals is a german- english supported strategy Game with plenty of Mods, a well balanced Game and of course a friendly Community. Join the Game and raise to the Top!
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Merhaba imparator.
Hiç bir evrende bulunmayan yep yeni bir sistemle karsinizdayiz.
Ogame sezon etkinligi
Her bir sezon 6 ay sürecek ve sezonu kazanan ittifak 2. Sezon için açilacak evrenin ismini belirleme hakkini kazanacaktir
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OGame Space War Game is a new ogame based space strategy game. Hizli ogame oyna, uzayi fethet!
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Server starts at 11.7.14!
★_Gamespeed: 15000 ★
★_FleetSpeed: 35 ★
★_RessourceSpeed: 2500 ★
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Ogame Wolves classic ogame forever...
Ogame Wolves klasik ogame de?i?mez adresi..
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Gra przegladarkowa typu Ogame, jest to speed Ogame i gra posiada wersje mobilna.
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InfiniteBattle is a free type of space strategy game like uGamela or ogame . Thousands of players gather together to conduct a constant struggle. If you want to join them need only a simple Web browser.
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middle Speed, with a lot of Specials. Every User will get something to hunt, and destroy :)
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Espagame Es Un Juego De Estrategia En El Espacio. Compite Con Jugadores Las 24h Para Conquistar El Universo. Todo Lo Que Necesitas Es Un Navegador Estandardar.
Rates por 999
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Ogame new private server
I will update the universe after we reach a number of players.Easy dark matter (u dont need to buy) supernova and much more.
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OGame is a space-themed real time strategy online browser game. With Some new Extras
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We are already more than 400 players with more than 130 active players all day.
Join us and experience what it feels like to be the best, or at least not the last.
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Play in your SMARTPHONE
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OGame pvp Ying-Yang universe has been going on for 7 months, we decided yesterday at the request of our players, today Ouroborus is online on 29.12.2021 18:00.
Because of the Ying-Yang universe, we don't need much advertising because we don't have actor
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EOGAME is fast, balanced and fast developing game. Come and start battle with your friends or random other people around the globe. In this game have lot of new stafs. NEW BATTLE SYSTEM. Hostile expeditions and lot of other things for you to explore!
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Classicocrack is a browser-based online strategy game which lets you compete against other players by playing as an intergalactic emperor.New server UNI3 opening : 26.06.2013 GMT
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newly opened Xnova server
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Fighters of Galaxy,
Speed Uni´s with many extra Functions (mods) that other Games of this type do not have!
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• Redesigned • Build speed 500% • Fleet speed 100% • Ressource speed 500% • 5. August 2017 •
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Neuer Server tolle statsrnwir haben eine zweiten rnServer für mehr Herausforderung schaut rein rnund viel spaß beim spielenrnlink für den zweiten findet ihr bei den news
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2moons Clone
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Jezyk Gry - Polski , English, Jezyk Strony - Polski Jedna z najlepszych gier strategicznych jest juz w zasi?gu reki. Nie czekaj do Rejestruj sie juz teraz i by uzyskac premie. Darmowe konto Pro dla nowego uzytkownika darmowe darkmater . Wiecej floty, obro
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venha conferir o novo ogame e ganhe 60k de materia negra.
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Balanced ogame clone.
Game speed x20, fleet speed x10, Resources production x20. You earn dark matter through points, so it's play2win, Join now! we are looking for active players!
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2.Evrenimiz 01.02.2013 Saat 20.00 de açılacaktır.Ön Kayıtlarımız başlamıştır.Siz değerli oyuncularımızıda OgamePvP'ye bekleriz.Neden OgamePvp??
1-Kaliteli ve 7/24 online yönetici kadrosuyle
2-Ticketlara anında cevap verilmesiyle
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Space strategy gaming site using Xnova Revolutions. Starting with Alpha Universe.
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Onlyasteroidwar is a new game concept that like satisfied users that play, we are looking for staff in this moment. The server rates are: Fleet x10 - ressources x50. We are waiting you for conquer the universe together!
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OGame private server with a lot of features
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A complete new private server!! Started 03/11/2012 !! The speed isn't to high and there are some new plugins, like records and so on!! Try it and get number one !! A big Event starts at 10.11.2012 !! don't miss it :)
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Join Zyperax Space for a great Gaming Experience with many Benefits and a friendly community as same as a friendly Staff. We support full Spanish,english and German!
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Risoryx© is a quality server using talented developers and resources to ensure the best fun experience. Our team is a dedicated team that professionally creates and manages daily functionality for players. Register today and join the fun!
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Meganova is a space strategy game with hundreds of players simultaneously try to be the best
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NUEVO-Clasico Blizz Clon Ogame, Rates bajos, (Nucleos,Mercenarios,Gobernadores,Misiones....). Atencion continua en Español, Ingles y Ruso. Entra y juega con nosotr@s.
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-General rate x4
-Speed of fleet x4
-Speed of production x4
-Max. planets 9+1
-Ships to drebris 60%
-Defens to debris 30%
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confira o novo ogame e ganhe materia negra.
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Server italiano Ogame
Se volete potete richiedere la creazione di un nuovo universo e una volta valutata la richiesta procederemo nell'accontentarvi!
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Du hast Lust auf ein deutsches Weltraumsimulationsspiel? Dann bist du bei uns zu 100% richtig!
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NEW Galaxy is open.
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NOW WITH STEAM AND FACEBOOK LOGIN! Onova is a new OGame server, away from 2Moons and Xterium design and without many mods. Here you do not need to pay to be on top positions, and you receive free DM per weekend! 2 Events running now!
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Mais novo Jogo online em browser, velocidade 3x Jogo novo 01/09/14, poucos usuarios, muitas novidades, caa de leilões, novo sistema de armorial, guerra de allinças e muito mais!!
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Fun server engine 2 moons
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Dans ce monde futuriste, tous les moyens sont bon pour devenir l'empereur suprême de l'Univers.
Guerres, alliances, trahisons, rien n'est de trop pour étendre votre pouvoir.
Si l'aventure vous tente,
il vous suffit d'un simple navigateur internet.
Oserez-vous nous rejoindre ?
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Deltawar è un gioco di strategia ambientato nello spazio. Inizia la tua avventura, con un solo mondo non ancora sviluppato e trasformalo in un fiorente impero capace di difendere le colonie conquistate con tanta fatica. Deltawar è un server privato di Ogame, il migliore in Italia
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Fighters of Galaxy ist ein browerbasiertes Weltraumgame das kostenlos zu spielen ist! Sehr schnelles Universum (Speeduni), bedeutet viel Resourcen in kürzester Zeit wo du schnell dein Imperium aufbauen kannst! Schau vorbei und herrsche über die Galaxy!
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GlobalOgame / Clasic / Mobil / 300 3x 400 x / 9 Lang.
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