OGame private servers top 100 list. Free servers, guides, and websites.

Ogame Private
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UltimateXnova server
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OGame Private Server
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With Space - Rivals you experience a complete german- and English supported Game. Server Start: 20. September 2015. Join a great Community out of helpful Players and your cruellest Enemys. Join and conquer the Universe of Space - Rivals!
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OGame Private Server
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New Game based on Steemnova 1.8 just opened! 1x speed. Larger planets(7-8-9 best positions). Expeditions and relocations . Harder game start without starting resources. 750 Dark Matter upon registration and can only be found in expeditions.
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Cult browser game of your parents :) The best game in the style of an old ogame. Free trader and commodore non-stop. Starting the game in May 2021 - welcome :)
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New Server based on 2moons! All Pay2Win-Features have been removed! Custom Translation into English!
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2Moons is a space strategy game with players playing together at the same time. A Standard Browser is all you need to play.
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Titania Empires is a 2moons ogame based game, with a fast speed server and limited mods (Wihtout all those daily and weekly mods that gets confusing) just old styled - Start your Space adventure now!
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Newest ogame server with 1000x game speed 4x Ship 1500x Resources
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Weltraum Simulationsspiel mit guter Balance, hohem Ressorcen Speed, TF 75%/35%, 300er Gebäudelevel und 2000% Ressourcen Booster. Ogame Clone with good balanced speed and many mods...debris 75%/35%, max. buildinglevels 300, ressource booster 2000%...
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[Univers Odyssée] Jeux X100
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dsadadsa dsadadsa
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NUEVO!!!***Juega a tu servidor privado x1 con posibilidad de ganar Bitcoin!! Servidor dedicado, alta estabilidad y sostenibilidad en el tiempo. Proyecto realizado entre inversionistas Bitcoin! Abriendo sus puertas nuevamente el día 15, octubre de 2015
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Dominion Legacy is a revolution in the world of ogame, discover an unexplored world with population, manage your teleportation portal, create your alliance, compete against your ennemies and become the emperor of the universe. Based on Stargate the series
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A new Project of Space-Rivals path its way to the cosmos, experience a modern Gameplay with a variety of content and a balanced Gameplay. PVE Content, Daily Missions, a realistic Battle System and much more awaits you!
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Stargazer Back to the Roots offers a stabel server with english and german support. We are a retro classic Ogame server for all those who want to relive the original feeling. Also there is no Pay-to-Win, everybody has the same chances!
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OGame.nu is a strategy-game set in space. Thousands of players across the world compete at the same time. In order to play you only need a web browser.
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Neues Weltraum-Simulationsspiel mit hohen Produktions- und Bonusraten. Gamespeed 20, Flottenspeed 20, Rohstoffspeed
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Web browser based multiplayer strategy space game, main goal is to build your empire and destroy others, start battle with your friends or random other people around the globe. Your mission is to develop and manage a space empire. Mothership - Active Deve
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Ogamex is fast speed Ogame clone and will bring you a lot of fun. Enjoy the optimized battle system, multi-language game and lot of active players. This is the best private server right now!!!
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Space-Rivals is a highspeed Ogame Clone with a classic Design, full rebalanced with plenty of helpful features. Space-Rivals starts a new x50.000 Universe at friday the 07.10.2022 at 19:00 CET. Join us and conquer the wonderful Universe of Space-Rivals!
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Experience a complete bugfree Gameplay with a friendly and active Staff, well balanced Rate, unique content and conquer the Top ! We support full german,english Support ! Opening Date: 29 March 2016 Join us today and be the Emperor of the Universe!
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Xterium is a space browser based game, Build your empire, create your alliance, compete against your ennemies and become the emperor of the universe, or stay at the background and play your way !
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Nouveau serveur équilibrer avec un staff présent et a l'écoute des joueur venez nombreux
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Errichte Dein Imperium
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OGame Eagles is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything what you need to the play is a Standard Browser.
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NEW ULTIMATE SERVER!!! Extreme High Speed - Stable and Without Bugs. Come and join us!!!
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Weltraumstrategie auf Basis von 2Moons. Komplett Neu aufgesetzt am 5.12.2015 Deutsche Community, tolle Spieler und Admin´s die sich um ihr Spiel kümmern. !!!Kein Pay to Win!!!
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Ogamer is fast growing and attracts all kind of players, skilled and new players. have fun and join us at ogamer.org.
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Big enough to have a real community, small enough to still care. Take up the role of a space emperor, create a mighty empire with huge fleets of warships and conquer the universe! One of the best online browser games around.
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woawars is a space strategy game in which hundreds of players play together trying to be the best. All you need for the game is a standard browser.
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Discover the Vast Universe in Our Space Strategy Game! Embark on an epic journey to conquer the cosmos in our OGame-inspired space strategy game. Build your empire from a humble colony to a sprawling intergalactic powerhouse. Manage resources like metal,
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DeuteriumX is a modern web browser based multiplayer strategy game set in space. We've built this game taking the best qualities from Ogame and connecting them with our vision of how modern Ogame should feel. Empire management, Space battles, PVP, PVE...
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Fastest Private Agar.io Servers If you want to play Agar.io game without freezes or log,try our servers.Fast & Secure private servers for Agar.io
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A space strategy game in real time. Game with hundreds of users. No download, it only requires a standard browser. Free registration
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The Game is faster then normaly. In registration you can choose from 2 races! Races have its own Improvements! Come and join to community of xNova! We are waiting!
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War Space is a real-time strategic space simulator. You will see: Cool political system. Developed economy ... And much more :)
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2moons New Universe!! Total free!! play2win, not pay2win. 100x Buildspeed, 100x Ressourcespeed, 20x Fleetspeed
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Experience a complete bugfree Gameplay with a friendly and active Staff, well balanced Rate, unique content and conquer the Top ! We support full german & english support ! Opening Date: 30 December 2015 Join us today and be the Emperor of the Universe!
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Develop ITS Construction building planetsrnInvestigate technologies NovaernPositions Strengthen YOUR every minuternCivil and combat ships unwrapping high attack power and defense mechanismrnor explore infinite universernEarn Es resources enable game is not sornExpand your empire, colonizing 10 plane
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Ihr wollt Oldschool im alten Look zocken? Dann seid ihr bei Lost Worlds genau richtig. Unistart 02.10.2019 !!! Wir starten neu durch, sei auch du dabei. Aktives Team, Discord, feste Stammspieler. Speed: all 4 x.
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Hi, I would like to introduce to you a private server which has been active for 7 months, a lot of players are on the server every day 30+ players.
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New Game, good rates, active Staff, active Community, friendly User Design, enjoy it! Germany, English, Turkish!
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Xogame Universe is a web browser-based multiplayer game. Your mission is to develop and manage a space empire. We offer a fun multiplayer experience, multiple languages, probabilistic battle system, fast rates and much more. The gameplay is similar to Ogame.
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Jeu Spatial avec pleins de nouveautés.Vitesse x10, débris 30% Def et 70 % Flo.Ouvert depuis le 1er Novembre 2016.MOD Forteresse, Loterie etc...Nombreux Bonus.MAJ régulière.Jeu entièrement gratuit.
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OGame Center web tarayici uzerinden oynanabilen bir uzay simulasyon oyunudur. Hizli OGame heyecanini yasamak icin imparatorlugunu kur ve fethetmeye basla.
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