OGame private servers top 100 list. Free servers, guides, and websites.

GALAXYWARQWrnrncon el respaldo de QueweonV2rnrnNombre: GalaxyWarQwrnLocalizacion: PerùrnVelocidad general: x70rnVelocidad de las flotas: x70rnVelocidad de producción: x70rnAdministrador: gaboopernrnrnLink: http://www.galaxywarqw.xtrweb.com/rnWeb: www.queweonv2.blogspot.comrnFacebook:https://www.face
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2 Galaxies (Kory et Edora) - Design unique, Gameplay immersif. Extractions équilibrées, Clonage, Artefacts, Bonus d'alliance et bonus en jeu inédits. Serveur français - Équipe compétente et présente ! Inscription gratuite - V3 et nouvelle Galaxie...
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Univers Kory (x100 / x10.000) ouvert le 25 février 2018. Porte des étoiles, Entrepôt, extraction revisitée, Cité volante, bonus d'alliance, Laboratoire NX ... Venez découvrir un serveur tout neuf, fluide et performant. Design élégant et staff...
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WOG is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe. [...]
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Servidor de estrategia espacial, con los mejores Rates y en español Visitanos www.arthurgame.tk Hosting de alta velocidad
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The official opening date is Saturday, September 09 at 18:00 fast ogame (UTC+1). The Extreme universe continues with +70 online players for 200 days, the new universe standard on Saturday, September 09 at 18:00 UTC+1.
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Ogame pirate server
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XGAME Private Server 2 universe online! http://ogame-pvp.com/
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FREE online ogame clonernenough speed new shipsrneverything is free
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L-Wars is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything you need to play is a standard browser. No downloading, it requires only a standard browser.
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OPENING 01.06.2018 - 20.00 - Show your skills without a moon through the labyrinth .. Dynamic rates of 35000 - 8 - 50000 to help farmers and raiders to enjoy their hunters preys game... French Game with english support
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1x speed 9 galaxies Dark Matter can only be found in expeditions and can be used to activate officers or fill resource depots. Can't buy!
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Welcome to the 1st competition for Raiders. Warmup, Season Rankings, Monthly Resets . Solo or 2 player Teams, No time for joke, only fight Pre Season june-auguste . Whole Season September. French Game . English support OPEN 1 JUNE 2018
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EOGame is fast, balanced and fast developing game. Come and start battle with your friends or random other people around the globe. In this game have lot of new stafs. NEW BATTLE SYSTEM. Hostile expeditions and lot of other things for you to explore!
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Join new Speed server with Daily Bonus and Weekly Bonus,every week events and lots of rewards. Server rates. Game Speed :99.999 Fleet Speed :50 Resource Speed :
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New universe just started on 03/10/2023. 1X speed, steemnova project based, modern ogame design, no pay to win! other universes will be opened soon!
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Space strategy game
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Best OGame server
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Ouverture 23/07/2018 Des rates boostées (jeu x300, Flottes x30, Ressources x200) la population de Defcon ainsi que son équipe vous ouvrent leurs portes. N’attendez plus et rejoignez-nous !
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Server online 100% time
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More new online strategy game will join the best genre of strategy game. three different races , over 50 spacecraft , new and innovative equipment system , auction house and more.
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OGame Basierendes Browsergame, nur besser als OGame.
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New ogame uni(classic design, 20Oct12). Speed uni but won't be a clicking maniac. SPD-GENX100, FLTX1,PROX25. STORE.CAP. 1.999B. PLANET FIELDX1500. ship&defence debris%99. In 48 hours research and building levels will be increased,1M ships of every kind will be added with 5000 Dark Matter gift!!!
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Ogame Private Server
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Galaxy Conquest - Phoenix Awaken™ is a MMORPG of intergalactic war and commerce for mobile platforms (Android , iOS) based on the popular Ogame™
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11-04-2015 at 17H00 UTC+1 : Openning of the universe 17 ! SpacesWars is a browser-based online game lets you compete against other players by playing an intergalactic emperor, more than thousands of players !
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100% Free Server Ogame , New Users Register + 2,500,000 Dark Matter , New Ship , New Defens end Moor ..
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OGame.Net.Tr is a full-time space strategy game. It is a game where hundreds of players can play together at the same time and do their best.
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Space Wars is a web browser based multiplayer strategy game. Build your empire, create your alliance, compete against your enemies and become the emperor of the universe, or stay at the background and play your way! Free Dark Matters. And very bonuses.
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DystopiaOnline Galaktyka is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything what you need to the play is a Standard Browser.
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OGame.at relaunched 2014, before the big crash it was one of the biggest clones in the German language region.
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A strategic brawser game inspireted by oGame, but totally different! Updates every weeks! Alpha version is in progress, don't waste time, subscribe now! [BONUS VOTE & LOGIN EVERY DAY]
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Universe Phobos X 500.00 - Build up and raise a civilization in deeper space Active community and staff - Incredible functions to keep this game alive
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The official opening date is Friday, February 14 ogame pvp (GMT+1) at 18:00. The classic plus universe continues with +70 online players for over 355 days.
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Bran New! Old Style with faster speeds! Multiple Universes (COMING SOON!) Soon to be a Mobile App in 2019!
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Our new multi language universe UNI7 has been opened at Virtualogame.com with x5.000 speed. You have to rush for taking your place before others to win the prize!rnTake the 1st place on the ranking list at the end of the competition and win $200, 2nd player will win $50, 3th player will win $25. And
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The New Universe Begins Join the adventure Players from all over the world In OGame Prime Starting at 05.10.2019 24/7 Full support -Details in the forum ogameprime.club/forum
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Sirius 300 X Sirius Universe Opening Date 01.09.2020 NO Bug
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Bienvenidos a el ogame del futuro, un universo increíble que les encantara a todos. Juego x500 Flotas x40 Recursos x50 Welcome to the future ogame an incredible universe that everyone will love. x500 game fleets x40 resources x50
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Server start: 29.07.2015! Join in the wonderful world of Space-Emperors, one of the most bugfree and secure server, good rates and active support! Full German- and English Support. Join in the big Community of Space-Emperors!
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The rates in the game are very high, the usual amount of resources is more than 10^70 , Vote system, 20 bonus points per Vote. Last universe started August 3rd!!!
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Join US! Contact the admin and get benefits!
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We change speed every week! Game is speeded up Some stuff added, every week events! Good support
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Redefining space strategy with last web technologies for a seamless experience. Unlike OGame, it's constantly evolving without a pay-to-win model, ensuring fairness and excitement for all players. Join the cosmic adventure and conquer the stars!
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Space strategy game in real time, where you can Trade, Fight, Explore and rule the Universe with other players from around the world. UNIQUE FEATURES you won't find anywhere else: Asteroid, Special Stars, Auto Expeditions and Hostile missions, Happy Hours
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Polish server, where everyone will find something for themselves. Friendly atmosphere and gameplay at a pace similar to the original. No stress, pure fun.
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Polish server, where everyone will find something for themselves. Friendly atmosphere and gameplay at a pace similar to the original. No stress, pure fun.
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valami jó lesz? Vagy nem XD
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We Support those Languages: Polska, Englisch, German, Russian, Spanish and Portugese! ............. are u Faster than Universe Lord BA? . . . .Beat Universe Lord BA and win a lot of recurces and DM! . . . .Visit now and get 50.000 Dark Metter at beginning!
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SotoWars is a game management / strategy massively multiplayer browser based on a science fiction universe entirely invented.
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