Gametoor Toplist

Minetopia eveyone welcome.its a fun server funny comunetie and if you have questions there always welcome  port 25565         138 Online Players
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Wrath Of The Lich King - PvE - With NPCBOTS to party with. //xp quest x3//boost xp on weekends x2//gold drop x2//Professtions skill gain x2//Can learn up to 4 professtions//Cross faction//All flight paths learned//Auction House Bot/vote shop/GIVEAWAYS
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Visit our website for more info!"
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This is an SMP for the community to come together and meet new people. Here we have shops, public XP farms, grief protection. Lots of crates coming soon and much more.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Season 6 Episode 3, All Wings 1,2,3 Level and Small Wings in Shops, All Rings in Shops, ALL Pets in Shops! All Boxs of kundun +1,2,3,4,5 in Shops! Reset: KEEP STATS and ITEMS! MAX RESETS: 999, MAX STATS: 65,000 ! BIG STADIUM MAP with big SPAWNS!
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We are a community driven group of DayZ players and Arma 3 RP players! We are welcome to anyone who wants to join, come talk to us on TS!
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Conquer the Space SKY-WARS This is an online space strategy in real time Game speed x 100,000,000,000,000 Dark matter x 1,000,000
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This is an anarchy server With no rules, modded clients allowed !! never wipes and never will!!!  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Lifesteal SMP is a Minecraft server with a unique twist: players can "steal" each other's health! When two players fight, the victor will automatically siphon off a portion of the loser's health and add it to their own.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Berichte ueber Games von A-Z, Neuheiten, Releases, Artikel - die es verdienen kommentiert zu werden. Die GamersCentral Community kurz GC, bietet eine Vielzahl an Moeglichkeiten der Kommunikation uebereinander. Und ist eine täglich wachsende Community - mit dem Ziel, Gamer miteinander zu verbinden. W
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Public server is hosted on a dedicated quadcore ivy bridge box with 100 mbit uplink. Plenty of ram and a shiny set of SSDs. Should be fun! Info: Epoch Chernarus Private Hive
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Aion Infinite SEA Server is the most updated and Advanced AION Private In Asian, we use Mid Rate and PvPvE base System, also we have some custom gameplay too, We Follow NA as our Main Client
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WELLCOME TO DARK BENGLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  port 25565         309 Online Players
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113 MonsterMMORPG is a free to play one of the best addicting games. It is a free online mmorpg game which is better than pokemon online games. If you like pokemon or looking addicting games monstermmorpg is the game you are looking for.
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WoW Pandora - Servidor Blizzike 10x, Gryphos Liberados, Eventos sempre, Staff Profissional, Servidor Online 2 semanas, Loja de Votos, Novos sistemas, Eventos de rates, Action House com itens !!!
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The biggest international server - Over 5000 players daily - Enhanced graphical environment - Dozens of new quests - Daily events - Earth Dragon - Offline Shops - Achievement System - Ingame support - Multi-language Game Guide - Vote4Coins - Continuous up
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Greek minecraft server survival !w  port 25565         115 Online Players
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We are a somewhat new server amongst the sea of "Modded" servers. Everyone enjoys Vanilla gameplay, but some aspects of the base game can get rather grindy. So, on our server, we have introduced some Quality of Life plugins (QoL). We have tasteful QoL p
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WoW Pandora - Servidor Blizzike 10x, Gryphos Liberados, Eventos sempre, Staff Profissional, Servidor Online 2 semanas, Loja de Votos, Novos sistemas, Eventos de rates, Action House com itens !!!
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Nostalgic Unique GMS Ultimate PS - Challenging game-play - Critical Attack. Nostalgic - Balanced -Custom Content - Social - GuildPQ - Transportation - Working PQs - Merchant Shops Party, Guild Alliance systems fully operational - BossPQ - Social
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He looked behind the door and didnt like what he saw. Id rather be a bird than a fish. I am my aunts sisters daughter. The snow-covered path was no help in finding his way out of the back-country. People generally approve of dogs eating cat food but not c  port 25565         20 Online Players
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EfesM2 opened the doors for those players eager for PVM/PVP. | Lv.max 120 | With a Staff that is at your disposal. | Events that will help you in your evolution. | Use the best equipment to put your opponent to the ground | EfesM2 welcomes you!
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Ocrack offers you the chance to test your skills against thousands of players across the world. Come join other Ocrack addicts in this bug free universe. Many features to enhance game play. Weekly events with big bonuses for active players. Long lasting site with great support.
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Vitesse de jeu: 300 Vitesse flotte: 50 Vitesse ressources: 300
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Entre e tire sua duvidas, puro pvp e xp alto. 300x velocidade do jogo
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Minecraft Vanilla Survival Server NL GRIEFING = PERM BANNED Leuke Survival Server met Leuke community Version=1.16.5 Serverip = komt eens een kijkje nemen  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Battle Royale PUBG edition-event, Stage System, Jewel Bank, Excellent Option System, Dynamic PVP battles, New Interface, Combo skills, Master Level Skills, Party Search system. Stable online and gameplay, 24/7 support, exciting bonuses. Join now.
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Level 255, Instant 80 Realm, Over 6000K damage, Custom items/DualSpec/Vehicles, Custom Instances/Teleporter, PvP KillStreak/Anti-Cheat system, Malls, Working Battlegrounds/Arenas, Vote\Donor Rewards, Pro staff, Very Stable, New Race-Class Combinations, JOIN NOW!
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Site: Realmlist : Inauguração dia 22/08 ás 19:00 Servidor : Blizzlike Server : PvP Expansão : 3.3.5ª Sem LaG Sem Edit’s Spell’s : 97% Raid : 99% Dungeon : 99% Portais inciais Grifos marcados para todo Mapa em ins
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Beyo's MineColonies Official 1.9 Enter discord whitelist channel to get whitelisted: Modpack version: 1.9 Game version 1.16.5 Minecolonies is an interactive Town building mod that allows you to create your own thriving  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Truce is a tick-based, text-based arena.
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Erkunde Galaxien und erschaffe neue Welten. Treibe Handel und gründe Allianzen! Aber sei auf der Hut, denn du bist nicht allein. Auch andere durchstreifen diese Sektoren und nicht alle werden deine Freunde sein. Zeige Mut und Geschick und lasse deiner Fa
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New server! - Prison (currently in development) - Skyblock - Survival Games - Build Battle Join and have fun!  port 25565         0 Online Players
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Max level 255 Over 100000 custom items. Over 1000m HP. More then 10000 Transmogs form diferent game versions. (Cata / MOP / WOD and Legion) Balanced PvP. Balanced classes.
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Los invitamos a ser parte de nuestra gran comunidad !!! KeiRo X es un nuevo servidor de origen Mexicano con características full Renewall y totalmente actualizado. Ofrecemos rates 45x45x45x, max lvl 250/80 y 3rd jobs totalmente funcionales
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Lockdown 2017 - Le retour des sources du jeu ! Comeback to 2002 ! [OLD SKIN + MOTEUR DE COMBAT 2004] - Ouverture prévue le 3/10/2017 - BETA Ouverte - Rates : 20/8/100
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Vanilla survival for latest snapshot. PLEASE - no cheats, haxx, or exploits. No griefing. PvP damage enabled but please have mutual consent before visceral ass-whoopings commence.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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BlizzLike - Faster Walkspeed - 2x XP - Custom Quests - Free TeamSpeak - Fastest growing gaming community - AntiCheat - Website Features - Create your account now!
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Game based on Xterium engine. High rates, admin is very active. Features: Expeditions ( common and Hostail) Balanced hostail sector Special planets with high bonuses (Check Galaxy 5) Arsenal Market Governors Balanced battles Free AM giveaway NO LAGS AND
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Minecraft Vanilla Survival Server NL GRIEFING = PERM BANNED Leuke Survival Server met Leuke community Version=1.16.5 Serverip = komt eens een kijkje nemen  port 25565         0 Online Players
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All is welcomed at our new Private Hive for Dayz SA, hosted in Missouri to give all players the best possible ping. IP - Port - 2502 No Password need! Come and survive!
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SKYWARS.SPACE is a space strategy game with hundreds of players playing together at the same time trying to be the best. Everything what you need to the play is a Standard Browser.
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AfterWorldly is ready for you to join! AfterWorldly is a realistic survival experience with custom terrain generation, custom dungeons, inventory weight, thirst, temperature, revives, giants, bloodmoons, and more. The intense nature of this survival serv  port 25565         2 Online Players
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[New Server] EU - US - Version 6129 - [Drop 500 CPS + Free Stuff 12 + Free VIP6] Title System - Pirates - Monks - Ninja - Dragon Warrior - P6 and P7 Dragons Souls - Chi - Jiang - Epic Trojan and Ninja - Old Maps - PVP/PVE Events
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A True World Of Warcraft Vanilla Server 1.12.x - WoW-Blitz
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146 game private server! Play fun Agario your friends, Play fast the global server, Quality MMO games are welcome!!
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Welcome to OriginEarth! OriginEarth is a survival server set on a 1:500 scale map of planet earth. The main focus of this server is a geo-political towny, with a player driven economy and dynamic quests that will periodically be added to developed t  port 25565         0 Online Players
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SEASON 4 Episode 6 UPGRADED / Exp 50 /WINGS 1,2,3 /Unique Boss System / Unique Quests System / Active Admins /Online 1000+ players / SUPER MAXIMAL SERVER COME AND PLAY
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Version 1.7.10. Server is located in Los Angeles, CA. IP Address: (100Mbps) - 4096 MB DDR3 RAM. 4 CPU Cores.  port 25565         0 Online Players
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